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Meet Zelda

Zelda is a solar farm in Asheboro, North Carolina. The project was born in April 2019 and generates enough solar electricity every year to power 250 homes. 


Emergi uses the solar electricity from this system to reduce our network's carbon footprint and support local solar energy.

Meet Project 6651

This is a biomass power plant in Punjab, India that was developed as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) clean development mechanism (CDM).


At Emergi we believe in the power of the sun - but this can be harnessed in many different ways, including plant biomass such as wood chips, sawgrass, and corn. Emergi supported 91 tonnes of Project 6651's production to support our members in going carbon neutral. 


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© 2024 by Emrgi

Emrgi is formed of the Emergi Cooperative, the Emergi Foundation, and Emergi Incorporated. We are working together to align the incentives of the energy transition in favor of power grid users like you.

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