Emergi NC
Prospective Product Content Label

The typical home in North Carolina uses 1,035 kWh of electricity per month and spends $1,429 per year to support a grid composed mostly of fossil fuel generators, nuclear power plants, and ecosystem-destroying dams.

Emergi NC matches 100% of its members' electricity usage with solar power harvested in North Carolina. Emergi ensures that a unit of solar energy goes onto the grid for every unit of energy each member household uses.

1) Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA) Form 861
2) Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID), 2018. Available from EPA’s eGRID website: www.epa.gove/energy/egrid
3) We are committed to providing every member with 100% solar, but the actual renewable figures may vary depending on resource availability. All members will receive a Historical Product Content Label by August 1 of next year with details and analysis of the actual resource mix provided. Emergi NC meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at www.green-e.org.
For details on pricing, terms, and conditions, please refer to Emergi’s Terms & Conditions.
For additional information, questions, or concerns, please contact hello@emergi.eco